Wednesday 8 March 2017

What to do if you are a victim of Employment Discrimination in Texas

Discrimination at the workplace can take many forms. Each state has its own laws when it comes to employment discrimination and they tend to vary a lot. But on a general level, any disparate treatment you may be facing at the hands of your employer or co-workers on the basis of sex, race and color, religion, nationality, origins, disability, age or pregnancy makes you a victim and you are rightfully entitled to legal remediation. It’s common for victims to ask “what do I do if I am a victim of employment discrimination in Texas.”

First, make your employer aware of the situation. Many times, any acts of employment discrimination go unrecognized or unpunished simply because the victim refrains from raising their voice against the issue. You have to understand that while your employer is responsible for complying with the law, it is only YOU who can ensure that your personal rights are protected at the workplace. In case your immediate supervisor is the one who is responsible for the discrimination and you are uncomfortable with confronting them directly, you can contact their superiors or the HR department in your organization and convey the matter.

Second, let your employer know that you are taking the matter seriously. Ask that a written report be made and issued to you every time you report an incident. You can demand for an investigation into your allegations and your employer will be bound by law to give due consideration to the matter you have reported. At the same time, you can review your company’s workplace discrimination policy to understand your options. Remember to maintain a diary in which you can record every offending incident as it occurs. If you have evidence to support your claims, it’s important to document and preserve that evidence.

If your employer doesn’t respond or you are unsatisfied with the way things are going, consider hiring an employment lawyer in Texas and seek legal remediation. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for overseeing the compliance of many anti-discrimination and harassment laws. Involving these authorities will ensure that your case gets the attention it deserves. 

Discrimination at work can be a harrowing and often, hurting experience. Having a Texas employment discrimination lawyer on your side will definitely ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are upheld.

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